Wellbeing Stalls

A new area for this year of Health and Wellbeing stalls. Click on the link to learn more about each one.


trying to make a positive difference in a peaceful way


A Safe Pedestrian and Cycling Environment (SPACE) for Heaton

Tyneside Outdoors

encourages youth to get outdoors for their health, recreation, education and enjoyment

Honey Tree

positively buzzing with the finest local fresh fare, including organic vegetables straight from local farms, and local meats and game.

Bee kind to Yourself

Helping people feel good about themselves support their wellbeing and health.
Look good, feel good


Organic Fruit and vegatables

British Wheel of Yoga


Vagabond Massage

Chill out with a sample massage

Young Living

So much more than essential oils;  a complete plant based, non toxic lifestyle from essential oils

Mia Moy Henna

Come and get your own intricate mehndi design.


All elements of inner and outer health and beauty – From botanically based ingredients to forward looking green improvements

Diabetes UK

Aiming to build a world where diabetes can do no harm

Revital U

a direct-to-consumer health and wellness company